A nice little write-up here exploring the (not-so-surprising) concept that audiences prefer information presented to them in a clear, no-nonsense sort of way. It hits the nail on the head, citing the indigestible nature of financial reports and medical documents. The study champions the argument that consumers are more likely to put their trust in a company that communicates with them in a plain english manner. Makes sense to me. Onward to better communication design. Miles Via brandflakesforbreakfast
Spoken by Colorado Springs City Council member Larry Small during the January 27th meeting to vote on increased funding for the Colorado Springs Economic Development Corporation.
Also overheard during last nights meeting,
"Yer' gonna be looking fer' another place to be cookin' wafers."
Said by some half baked buffoon about Silicon Valley tech companies wanting to move their operations to the Springs after their electricity surges and "fry's their wafers."
Wow. It's no wonder that Colorado Springs doesn't sit on the forefront of progress when it's leaders mull around and utter garbage like this.
Love this new dummy text generator, geared for web use, that allows you to set column width, add p tags, select your font, color, size and even leading and tracking! Very cool tool indeed, bookmark it now!
Fun spot from BBDO NY in support of the companies 'Bring your kids to work' day. I myself might have had a heart attack if I showed up to work one morning and saw crayon scribble all over my mac, but that's just me. Excellent concept, playful engagement and overall execution make this lighthearted piece work so well. I wonder though, what did everyones work space look like when the day was over...
I am a bit surprised no one has done this before. Maybe they have. Or, maybe, no sound production company has invested in advertising quite like this. Clean vector silhouettes work in harmony to provide a visual compliment to the texture and sound of these posters. I love the fact that these pieces not only look great but they also provoke the use of two additional senses. Great concept straight out of Brazil.
If you take I-70 up into the mountains here in CO. you'll more than likely go through Eisenhower tunnel. I had attempted this shot once last year but wasn't fully ready for it, and didn't like the outcome. On this day however, I was prepared...
Camera strapped to my wrist, correct settings input on my camera: I thrust my arm out and snapped the photo.
Obviously I'm talking it up a bit, I'm sure it's been done many times before.
I just had to share this amazing collection of wildlife portraits by photographer Nick Brandt. Apparently Nick doesn't bother to use a telephoto lens but rather gets within feet of these wild creatures. Probably the most awesome collection of shots, next to the Peter Lik collection, I have seen in a while. Enjoy.
Thanks to the fantastic illustrative work by local talent Luke Flowers, Handcrafted Media picks up an American Package Design Award (GDUSA) for the in-store creative produced for Wag n' Wash Healthy Pet Centers. Luke is a superb illustrator/designer, be sure to check out his work here.
So close, yet so far away. I'm not sure what it is about cars (especially exotics) that gets me so excited, but as I was visiting the Lamborghini and Ferrari dealerships in Las Vegas last week, I was like a kid in a candy store. Is it the power? The rarity? The sex appeal? Or is it the sheer fact that these automobiles are simply unattainable (for me)? Whatever it is, it's always a treat to admire these works of art up close.
Everyone has their own strategy for dealing with the current recession, most are cutting back on their marketing, which is one expense we feel should actually be increased in times like these. It makes sound sense to invest in advertising now so as to bring back revenue and win new market share. Here is a nice 3-4 minute slide show put together by The Economist that outlines exactly why monies should be going towards marketing during down turns.
Hopefully everyone had a great vacation, whether it was short or long.
I visited my older bro in North Carolina for Christmas. Got to go to the beach, do some mountain biking and relaxing. Great vacation.
The pic above is of his good friend's dog (on the left), and my brother's boxer (on the right) who is somewhat of a baby sitter at times it seems. Both great dogs.
Snow Leopard - Apple's new OS, which is supposedly 20% faster than current "boring" 'ol Leopard. Windows 7 - Microsoft's new OS, I don't think it has a definite release of '09 but I've heard some great things from people who are currently beta testing it. (that's right I'm a mac AND a pc guy, wrap your head around that!)
Another Graphic novel gone to the theaters... big woopdie doo right? Not really, there's a lot of fuss about this going to the big screen. I've read the book 3 times now and I still notice things I hadn't noticed the previous time through. It's also listed as one of the NY Times top 100 novels (not graphic novels mind you, but novels under every category) of all time. I could go on forever about the book, it's "deeper meanings" and whatnot. Instead, I'm just recommending that you read it if you haven't already.
There's a lot more I'm looking forward too, but I'm rambling now.
Happy New Year to everyone, hopefully everyone has some things they're looking forward to. I wish you all the best!